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You're an Intuitive-Sensitive Person (iSP)
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Always Know Your Next Move
Does This Sound Familiar?
You have a large stack of books by the side of your bed that never seems to go down
You’re not very good at small talk – you prefer deep conversation
You’re exhausted around others, yet people are stimulated/animated by your presence
You have a strong need to find purpose. You can’t rest without it
You never, if you can help it, sit with your back to a door
Trusted by 75,000+ Intuitive-Sensitives from 121 Countries & Regularly Featured in Places Like…
We are incredibly proud Britney Spears read our book and shared with her 39 million fans "Great read 📚📚📚 !!!!!"
She also recently named her Australian Shepherd Sawyer!
Access Your Deeper Mind In 3 Easy Steps
1. Click The Button Below
Form only takes 2mins to complete
2. Tame Your Gatekeeper
Just Press Play
3. Welcome 'Home'
Unrestricted Access To Your Unconscious
Here's Why You Should Invest In This Unique Training
Without inner development most people have no idea what makes them happy. We provide online courses and specialist 1-2-1 coaching for sensitive high performers wanting to move from low mood to happy mood. We're best known for creating inner transformation using the power of the unconscious teamed with highly specialised deep process meditations, which create a fast-track to rewire your deeper mind for a vibrant and easier life. More than 75,000 sensitive people from 121 countries have connected with us, including Britney Spears, resulting in more than 1.5 million YouTube views and 5,000 personal clients, making us the leader of the Intuitive-Sensitive field.
Purchase this training today and before you go to bed tonight you will have access to your deeper mind at will
Here's What You Get...
Access Your Deeper Mind At Will
4 Easy Steps to Tame The Gatekeeper To Your Unconscious:
1. Insightful Video
2. Easy Exercise
3. Specialised Deep Process Simulation
4. Confirm You Did It Right
Until the timer runs out, we have made this crucial training so affordable it doesn’t require a decision. After this time, though, your training will revert to the full price of £77. If you are unhappy for any reason we will refund your payment. No Questions Asked. To request a refund email or simply press reply to any email we ever send you
We hate SPAM too. We promise to keep your email address safe.
Mastery of your Inner World will give you an authentic life
"I am deeply grateful for my life choice, my sensitivity to KNOW I had to engage for things to be different”.
"I was looking to learn about myself, I was really curious about my own potential."
"I'm so used to being there for everyone else, I'd forgotten about myself. Now I know what I want thanks to the path of the Intuitive-Sensitive ."
Frequently asked questions
Here are a few answers to our most common questions
It's perfectly normal to worry about feeling out of control when you do something new. With our deep process meditations however, although they are powerful, you are never out of control.
Concentration comes with practice. There are markers in the simulation which will help you develop concentration skills over a period of time, which are used in more processes if you choose to continue with us.
You don't need to be used to meditation to gain the benefit from the deep process simulation in this course. In many cases, those who have never done a deep process simulation before, gain the most.
Yes, you will still gain a benefit if you can't visualise. The visualisation aspect will come to you, but in the meantime, you will receive insight through your feelings.
We encourage you to repeat the course at will, because it will deepen your experience and get you used to accessing your deeper mind.
Our four-step deep process simulation, used in all our courses, isn't random, it comes from over 25 years experience of working with thousands of clients to perfect the process. It works by utilising how an Intuitive-Sensitive operates which is different to a non-intuitive-sensitive.
2 days after…my company rang to say my redundancy severance pay is to increase by £5,000
Julie Walsh
Within 2 weeks of the session, after 5 years of no romantic opportunities. My last boyfriend, the one I really loved, out of the blue, made contact with me and better still, we’ve slowly started to reconnect.
Alison Fiander
It’s magically, aka without strenuous effort on my part, making me believe I could have my own business
Jennifer Escalante
We believe there has never been a better time to be an Intuitive-Sensitive.
Technology is fast replacing logical, systemised thinking as the world demands deeply human qualities of intuition, emotion and a strong capacity for empathy - the exact qualities of the Intuitive-Sensitive Person (iSP).
This is why we’re committed to building an engaged, robust, high performing community of Intuitive-Sensitives who are ready to take authenticity into their home, love and work lives creating a vibrant future for generations to come.
We believe your capacity for empathy gives you a unique perspective. The way we help you access your uniqueness is through developing your intuition and inner world, when you allow yourself this part of you – life is easy.
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75,000 + Happy
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