Heidi's Philosophy
When I started out in the world of the enlightenment journey, I had no idea what it was, or what I had got myself into. All I knew, I was fascinated with intuition, consciousness and psychology. The fascination I believe started with wanting an answer to life’s ‘why’ questions:
- Why did I feel other people’s emotions intensely?
- Why was I sensitive?
- Why did I seem to know people’s true motivation rather than the one they presented?
- Why did I know the general patterns people would follow?
- Why did I always want to do the opposite to what I was told to do?
- Why was I feeling the only one who thought the environment I grew up in wasn’t quite right?
I felt alone in my quest for finding a sense of truth and where I fit in.
We provide a service for Intuitive-Sensitive People to find their own sense of truth and to never feel alone on that journey the way I did. I wanted other people like me to find their life purpose and fulfilment without feeling they were either weak for exploring their psychological make-up or weird for wanting more than superficial connections.
I also understood I wanted some sort of answers to spiritual questions but my beliefs were not religious or superstitious. I wanted to honour the idea of faith, but without religion.
Since 1996, I have pursued the answers to those questions whilst building a business that honours the values of Intuitive-Sensitive People. I wanted to show you can create the life you believe in, despite any previous limitations.
I started the enlightenment journey with no family, no friends, no home, no car, no job and no money. I felt stripped to the bone, completely naked, yet determined. I started with faith, not in a God, a faith in the journey, a belief I would do whatever it takes. I was 23 and possibly very naive.